The US Air Force named Exquadrum a “Designated Subcontractor” for the Heated and Mobile Munitions Employing Rockets (HAMMER)program and gave us the mission to develop a munition designed to thermally neutralize Chemical and Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Many of Exquadrum’s earliest contracts were aimed at evolving solid rocket propellant technology to enable destruction of chemical and biological Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Exquadrum’s exciting and successful technology was brought out into the open in 2008 when Wired magazine published a surprise article on our work entitled “Secret Rocket Balls Target WMD Bunkers.” Kinetic Fireball Incendiary mania began worldwide with graphics created and posted by fans. This new-found fame led the US Air Force to name Exquadrum a “Designated Subcontractor” for the Heated and Mobile Munitions Employing Rockets (HAMMER)program. HAMMER was a $21.6M program to create an air-dropped penetrator munition based on Exquadrum’s technology. The technology was successfully demonstrated at Dugway Proving Ground. Where is this technology today? Exquadrum can neither confirm nor deny…

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