2019 Education Medal of Honor recipient – Eric Schmidt – Excellence in Education/Student Alumni
As a rocket scientist, it’s no secret that Eric Schmidt has a “think-out-of-the-box” outlook. That’s literally what the name of his company – Exquadrum (Pronounced Ex-QUAD-rum) Inc., — means.
He has taken the same innovative approach in giving back to his community and supporting public education, which is why he is the recipient of this year’s Education Medal of Honor as a student alumnus.
As a graduate of Hesperia High School, Schmidt came back to start his own aerospace company in the High Desert more than 16 years ago. Since then, he has worked with districts and programs across the region to provide better educational and employment opportunities for students.
Hesperia Superintendent David Olney calls Schmidt “a game-changer” for his work as an employer and alumus of the district.