October 5, 2021• Community Support
The Mountain Desert Career Pathways program is a collaboration between the nine school districts which serve the Mojave River Valley and the mountain region of San Bernardino County and the companies and organizations who employ graduates from those districts.
October 5, 2021• Community Support
Toady’s workforce is more educated and capable than ever before. Through supporting our employees with tuition reimbursement, hiring high school and college interns to help them on their educational journeys, or in volunteering in community college vocational programs, Exquadrum provides support to many local community colleges and universities.
October 5, 2021• Community Support
The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors and the County Superintendent of Schools have made education a top priority in the county. One example of this is the Made in the High Desert event which introduces high school students to a full spectrum of career opportunities, from vocational to collegiate. Exquadrum supports the efforts of former County Supervisor Robert Lovingood and his Made in the High Desert event and are eager to talk about our passion for engineering and science with these young minds.
October 5, 2021• Community Support
The Curiosity Quest Problem Solver program challenges students with real world problems.